“Occulus Thrift” at Hong Kong Maker Faire

We visited a Mini Maker Faire hosted at Hong Kong’s Poly University this weekend, where we saw a lot of neat projects- an abundance of which focused on 3-D printing innovations.
It was nice to see a version of the DIY Occulus Rift goggles that have been floating around the internet- such as those highlighted by MAKE magazine– which Tech Crunch writer Natasha Lomas has aptly dubbed, the “Occulus Thrift.” We tried out a pair and were surprised by how well it worked! No doubt a great option for those who want to experience virtual reality on a budget- all you need is cardboard and your smartphone.
For those with access to a 3-D printer, the printed googles definitely offered a more slick snap connection for your phone, and they look pretty neat too. At least one tutorial can be found on Adafruit.