One of my beasties got Tom Jones pregnant!

1990s TechnoSphere was about more than sex and death. Honest… But from the comments of our users you’d never know it!
G: “Maladict has turned into a lean mean killer sex machine. So far he’s killed 5, fathered 2 and is currently pregnant as well *beams proudly.* One of his kiddies is doing well too, killed 3 already.”
M: “well, Thingummy is preggers by smokie, who is a rather impressive daddy… 4 kids and 8 kills. 😀 my little girl(?) is growing up…~snif~”
B: “Erg! One of my beasties got Tom Jones pregnant!”
C: “Tom Jones? That is evil … I don’t want to know how their children look. All my creatures have died of old age but two of them gave birth to some nice little children.”
J:”Allright! Who made Grignr???? He/she/it mated with my Zig!!”
F:”I wish I could claim responsiblity but… perhaps its for the best – parenthood might give Zig a new insight into the workings of the world.”
J:” Zig already has a couple of kids… But Grignr??? ACK! Who made it?”
C:”You think Grignr is bad?? Some creature named Slyvester Stallone knocked my callieb up. Eeeew!”